Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). -- Project Number: 2024-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000250672 --

Project Description


The acquisition of reading and writing is a crucial aspect of childhood development, fundamental for several school subjects and with a significant impact on subsequent academic success, later adaptation and quality of life in adulthood. Struggling in reading and writing has a profound impact on other learning skills and socio-emotional development, resulting in high rates of school dispersion and low well-being.


The READy project aims to:

  • Enhance primary teachers’ skills on the societal and cognitive underpinnings of literacy acquisition disadvantage and on the digital solutions to tackle them;
  • Identify children at risk for learning and school difficulties;
  • Empower transnationally universal cognitive reading-writing skills across different circumstances.

Target Groups

The target groups involved in the project are:

  • Primary school teachers
  • 1st and 2nd grade primary school children


The READy project involves the school communities in:

  • The creation of a training package for primary teachers including national and transnational courses as well as exchange workshops in four European countries;
  • The participation in an Interactive Evaluation platform for primary teachers to early identify children at risk of literacy difficulties;
  • The use of a Game-based Intervention Toolkit on the cognitive underpinnings of reading and writing;
  • The use of machine learning algorithms and case studies to identify different clusters of needs and learning paths.


The READy project provides school communities with:

  • Vast European cooperation sharing knowledge and digitalised procedures to address early difficulties in literacy acquisition;
  • Advanced teacher preparation and use of digitised tools to contrast learning disadvantage;
  • Innovative educational strategies to early address societal and cognitive needs underlying literacy acquisition;
  • Integration of new, evidence-based technological toolkits in the educational practices;
  • Personalised education paths supported by machine learning.


  • University of Florence, Italy
  • IC Gandhi, Italy
  • Pixel, Italy
  • Agrupamento de Escolas Alto do Lumiar, Portugal
  • Iscte, Portugal
  • Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación, Spain
  • University of Seville, Spain
  • Romanian-American University, Romania
  • Scoala Primara EuroEd, Romania